New Fall Schedule Begins Monday, August 14
Check out the new studio schedule on the website under: classes. This newly formatted schedule will allow students to dig deep into their classical ballet technique. CCJB teachers are so excited about this new schedule. They know it will serve CCJB dancers in their development and progression!
Online Registration and Payment Upgrade for CCJB
CCJB is excited to introduce an easy and convenient way to register and pay for classes for the 23-24 season. Simply click on the ‘Register for Class’ button on the home page to set up an account that will allow you to register, pay for classes, access studio information, communicate with your dancers’ instructors, and more.
Parent Meeting Scheduled for Friday, August 18 at 6:00 pm
Join us at the studio on Friday, August 18 at 6:00 pm for a parent meeting. This will be a great opportunity for parents to ask questions of CCJB teachers, and for teachers to be able to communicate directly with parents about the ‘why’ around studio expectations, class changes, etc. This will also be an opportunity to share information about The Sleeping Beauty production, and the rest of the 23-24 studio season. Plan on attending!